Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sleeping Beauty,
Here are some shots I've taken in the car while you've been getting your beauty rest. I love to watch you sleep. My precious, precious boy.
I love you,

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Broomfield Days 2011


We've been going to Broomfield Days since you were a baby. We sit on the same corner with Grandma. And as the years have gone by and new little ones added to our extended family, they've joined in as well. I know you're getting big. I know it. I say it to you all the time. But, seeing you with Eliana and Parker this year at the REALLY are getting big.

After the parade, we walk down to the fair, eat funnel cakes, and watch you bounce around in the jumpy castle and watch you go down this really steep blow up slide. I remember watching you go down this same slide a few years ago - fearless at how high you had to climb and what a steep descent awaits you. You did that same slide this year only there was fear. You got to the top and immediately climbed right back down that steep ladder and said "no way"...Then, I told you about the time you rode it when you were 4 years old and back up you went. You loved it!

(2008 Broomfield Days - Super Steep Slide... I love your face)

You wanted me to leave you at the Emerald float so you could walk with your school in the parade. I was terrified to leave you. I walked to the float with Eliane and Parker, dropped you off, and walked back to Grandma with the babies. Then, I just kind of freaked. So, back to float I went and when you saw me, you were so disappointed that I came back. You were probably thinking "I'm not a baby anymore Mom". You told me to go back, that you were fine. I was nervous until I finally saw the float coming our way shortly after the parade started. There you were, with all your friends and teachers, looking grown up and BIG. You hopped out to hang with us for the rest of the parade....and get candy.

This year, we did the 1-mile fun run! Definitely on the agenda for next year. It was a BLAST! You ran great and really kicked it at the end, all the way to the finish - I could barely keep up with you. Next year, I won't be able to keep up at all.

And that's just another sign that you are getting big and growing up. I'm so proud you and I love you more than you will ever know.

Giant hugs,

Thursday, September 15, 2011


This is your friend Carson.
He is cute.
He laughs at everything.
You are cute.
You love to make people laugh.

The two of you are giving Mrs. White grey hair.
And your young, sweet, pretty SAC teacher Emma.
Come to think of it, you're giving me grey hair too.

But, I how I love to hear you two giggle and play.
Behave darlings. Behave.


Dear Cute, Adorable, Funny Soccer Player,

I love to watch you run the field. You're getting better with practice and Kelli is a great coach. You made friends at the last practice. I hope your soccer career is long and prosperous. You have the focus (when you want to) and the drive (when you want to). Keep up the hard work. Girls dig soccer studs.

Your #1 Fan


I can't believe how far behind I got on blogging. Sorry.

Cole - we met Uncle Joe and Michael back on August 20 and had movie and lunch. We saw Spies Kids which was entertaining, played in the fountain, brought replacement clothes at Walmart, and then had lunch at Which Wich.

As always, a great day!

Backyard Camping

Yes, that's right...I spy Aunt Veronica, Parker Pie, and Eliana

It's OFFICIAL! The Pope kids had their first camping experience over Labor Weekend.

They did GREAT!

Thanks for hosting the backyard camping adventure. We had a blast.
Dinner and company was...AMAZING
Fire pit and S'mores...YUMMY
Getting everyone in the tent and asleep in less than 45 minutes...a MIRACLE
Me trying to make coffee and cinnammon rolls in the morning...AMUSING

Love you guys. Thanks for great night!

Grandpa Jack Turns 60!


We had a great time when you guys were here. It was so great to spend time with you, Carol and Emma. Cole adores all of you. It was fun to watch the kids plays and eat delicious food.

Hope you had a great birthday!

p.s. to hear how Grandpa can get super cute baby laughs out of Parker, go here.