Monday, May 10, 2010

Visit from the Pope

The original Pope's were in town this weekend - Dad, Carol and Emma. They helped move the other Pope's - Derrick, Veronica, Eliana, Parker - to their new house. We had dinner at Pappadeux's on Thursday night. Cole and I helped unpack the Pod for couple hours after work on Friday. Then, we helped Saturday morning until it was time to go to Michael's 6th birthday party. After that, it was time for Cole to have a sleepover at Sofia's house. This meant that date night for Chris and I. We went to PF Chang's and enjoyed dinner off their gluten free menu. It was delicious. The best part, we got to sleep in...

It was a laid back Sunday - coffee and conversation on Veronica's new patio with Carol, 2 hour nap with Cole, and sushi dinner with the whole gang before the original Pope's left for the airport.

It was a really nice weekend and a treat to spend time with the family.

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