Friday, June 4, 2010


Dear World,
I have a few very important announcements.

1. Gramie Barb is doing much better. She is getting stronger and stronger by the day. What a scare it's been now for four weeks.
2. Cole graduated from Kindergarten last week. We threw a party for him last weekend. Little Monkey, we love you so much and are very very proud of you. You are such a great little reader. I love to hear you voice read to me...and sing to me at night.

3. It was time for Cole to lose the mop on his head; you know when the crew cut comes that it's definitely summertime.

4. A big thanks to Aunt V for watching Cole on Tuesday. We love you so much. Can't wait to see Ellie in her recital this weekend. Besides a naughty dog that does things in the house that he's not suppose to, life is great!

Signing off,

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