Saturday, April 11, 2009

Second Family

I'm one of those lucky people that LOVE their job. I enjoy the people I work with, my team seriously kicks ass, AND I love what I do.

Take my team for example: There are 11 of us out of the 43 employees and we have a blast. They take care of me and I take care of them. They are my second family, my friends, my pride.
We try to keep it fun like:

Having flip flop day in the middle of winter

Celebrating work anniversaries

letting our aggression out

Or the time they completely rearranged my office (in the best way...I LOVE my office )

or bringing me pretty flowers for my birthday and saying "I was thinking about you this morning and thought you might like this"....oh, Nick - so thoughtful.

Here is to my team: Katie, Nick, Raquel, Mary, Connie, Vicki, Katie K, Michelle, Clea, and Kevin. I love each of you for all of your hard work, personality, trust, and respect. Thanks for making my days worthwhile.

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