Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy 36th Birthday Brother!

We celebrated Derrick's birthday yesterday (it actually fell on Thanksgiving) but Veronica put together a great party on Friday to celebrate his birth. There are a few things I know about my brother - I know we are quite different and I know that he knows everything about every sport and every person who plays sports. You see, it's his photographic memory. He just can't help but remember every stat from every game. And this gift helped in college too I might add. Jealous? OK, maybe just alittle bit. There are photos of the two us, one taken at Cole's 4th Birthday party at Chuckie Cheese, one taken on the day he proposed to Veronica, ones when we were little, that I absolutely adore. It's good to have a brother and it's great to be able to celebrate his life.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Imperfection is Perfection

Occasionally I get in a rut about perfection. Perfection with myself, my husband, my son, my house. It ends up creating a whole bunch of useless frustration because the perfection I seek often times, isn't realistic. So today, I give thanks to the non-perfection. To rest and be satisfied and truly grateful for who I am, who Chris is, who Cole is, and for our wonderful house.

The other night, I got myself all worked up because I was stressing about the imperfections of our house: the cracks, the creaks, the oldness, the unpainted this and the unfixed that, the half finished projects, etc. But as I laid in bed analyzing my crazy behavior, I found peace in those exact things. Our house isn't perfect and there will ALWAYs be lots of things to fix and refinish, but it is our home. It's where we spend a majority of our time - where we play games, have dinner parties, watch movies. It's our sanctuary. Be grateful and thankful.

So, I sit here at the bar, smelling the aroma of fresh baked cranberry-pear pie, I AM grateful and thankful for soooo many things. And my blessings outweigh any imperfections this life has to offer me.

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Friends

Murphy is this adorable, absolutely beautiful fiesty little girl who lives in Solvang, CA. She is the girl version of Cole. They finally met this weekend because Murphy was in Colorado for a dance festival.

Later in the day I said, "Isn't Murphy pretty?" Cole responded, "She's more like hot!"

We think they should get married and have three little babies that are gorgeous and fiesty just like them.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Same Old Same Old

Some recent happenings:
Math Night at Emerald - SUPER FUN
First Report Card - AWESOME
Praticing Counting, Spelling, Reading - BABY GENIUS
Cole is getting so smart. He loves Kindergarten, his teachers, his friends. He is one HAPPY little man.
I will say though, that he has required lots of patience these days. Sassy pants. I have absolutely no idea where he gets it from....ha.
Nothing too exiting to report - except we're excited for Grandma Carol, Grandpa Jack, and Aunt Emma's visit next week.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dragon Dash 2009

Fitness is really important in the Velez household and racing is how we motivate to stay fit and meet goals. So, it's an important day to document that Friday, November 6 was Cole's first race. It's an annual celebration at Emerald Elementary and it was precious. He had his own bib, he had his running shoes on, oranges and water at the end. The whole school participated, even all the teachers. The Kindergarten classes went all the way around the school. Police closed off all the streets and the kids race, Bolder Boulder style from start to finish with water stations along the couse.

Great job baby! You did so awesome!


"I want to go to Indiana," Cole told me.
"Why Indiana?" I asked.
"Because Mrs. Stephens wife lives there," he said. (doesn't make much sense but ok)
"OK," I said.

"I really want to go to Indiana," he told me again.
"OK," I said
"Do you know why they call it Indiana?" he inquired, prepared to tell me.
"Because that's where all the Indians live."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What's what

What is 3 and 2?
What is five zero zero?
What does "stashed" mean?
What is 4 and 7?

to put away; to hid something

Don't you just love Kindergartens? I do, especially my little Monkey. And according to the Chinese Zodiac, he really is a monkey. Described perfectly: You are very intelligent and are able to influence people. An enthusiastic achiever, you are easily discouraged and confused. Avoid Tigers. Seek a Dragon or a Rat...or a Rabbit (since that's my chinese Zodiac, I thought it would be safe to add). Mr. W is a Monkey too.

I wonder what happens when you realize your baby isn't a baby anymore? Cole is still my baby, he always will be. But lately, he just seems so grown up. He doesn't pronounce Yellow, LELLOW. He doesn't say Haer for Halo. He knows how to spell simple words and do simple math. He can write sentences all by himself. He is self sufficient with getting ready. He knows how to operate the remote for the TV/DVD and fast forwards as he sees fit to the parts he likes most. I think we still have awhile for him to be baby, but not much longer. Oh, those soft cheeks, the snuggles and cuddles he still lets me do. How I love to lay in bed with him and touch his soft skin. When will he not want me to do that anymore? I hope no time soon.

It's funny when I use to hear parents say that "it goes by so fast." It's so true. There are times I want my little baby back and other times that I'm ready for him to be 10. But there is nothing quite like loving these moments right now.