Monday, January 25, 2010

Bounce Town

Bounce Town with Umple Joe and Michael - January 2, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Mr. W told me that my last blog was dark. So, I'll lighten it up by telling you about last night. I think the whole gluten-free thing is going to work out pretty darn good for us. Chris has already lost 10 pounds (that's what no beer will do) and except for a few times, has been belly ache free for nearly three weeks.

Last night we deciced to have fish, which we haven't had much of lately, but will become a regular in our new diet. It was tilipia fillets last night and oh my was absolutely Jax restaurant style good. If you don't know Jax's it is the best seafood restaurant in Boulder. And apparently Mr. W should go work there.

First, the sauce: yellow onion, yellow pepper, garlic, honey, miso mayo, sea salt, sauteed for 15 minutes. Spinkle tipilia with Adobe seasoning, spicy spices, cover fish with sauce and bake for 10 minutes at 375, and then broil for 10 minutes. Couple it with steamed broccoli and some brown rice, it was the BEST dinner ever. We both couldn't stop talking about it. The broiled sauce gave the onions an almost carmelized taste. The fish was so tasty, we both wanted more, but there wasn't any left. UMMMMM! Deliciouso!

Then we tucked Cole in bed and Mr. W and I watched the movie, The Hurt Locker. It was intense. My heart was pumping, my adrenline flowing. I don't know how Dan Sespey does it. Be safe!

And that was our night. Pretty good right?

A quick plug for Sprouts. They have the best produce for CHEAP and tons of gluten-free things that are easily marked. Sprouts and Whole Foods are our main grocery stores now. So long and farewell Safeway and King Soopers.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Black and White

There is nothing like a scoulding hot shower to rinse away the black that builds up during the day. I don't mean dirt, either, although it does well for actually cleaning too. The black I'm talking about is deeper than dirt, just under the surface. It's the stress, the negativity, the cynism, the impatience, the selfishness, that develops during the course of a day or a few days. A hot shower is a moment to stand still, watch the black go down the drain, and say good-bye, even if not for long. It is a place where you can be wrapped in your thoughts, the aromas of good soap, and breath in the white. The white are the exact opposite. The white is patience, love, understanding, unselfishness, optimism.

I tend to worry about things, little things, big things. It's a part of who am I. And as I mother, I worry about things that I hope never in my lifetime or things that never touch our family. Tragic, horrific events. I put myself in a scenario of widower. I imagine myself the mother of a murdered son, or a kidnap victim. It's depressing, I know. But, millions of people have been in these very shoes. I imagine myself under circumstances like these, maybe living through it, with a dead heart and a shell of a body with no blood or emotion or anything flowing through me, yet they say I'm alive. I think about the mother in Haiti who has lost her son.

I know that as long as I live, there is no greater feeling of love, than what I feel for Cole. It is greater than me. It engulfs me. I love him more than words can ever describe, to the core of my being, to the center of my soul. I can't imagine not loving him, not seeing him every day. I cannot imagine my life without him. I want to wake him right now, but he sound asleep.

I love you baby.
I love you Mr. W.

Sweet dreams.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Does it get any cuter? Seriously, I love this little boy.

More to come on Cole's adventure with Paddington the Bear.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Living Without

Dear Mr. W -

It's one of your closest friends, the bathroom toilet. You can call me Toi for short. I heard the news of your recent and long awaited poo test results. WOW! Big lifestyles changes for you. No gluten, dairy, and potato (otherwise known as salt). Sounds rough. But, there are a few positives you probably haven't thought about yet. Let's face it, you're probably still in some form of denial, wondering what you CAN eat. Listen, all I know is, you will save money on toilet paper, save on water use, and you will extend the life of me by not having to use me so often. I mean, who couldn't use more fresh air?
I hope it's not a bitter good-bye for us. I have enjoyed your company, magazines read, games played on the cell phone, but really, it's not forever. You will always need me. Here's to fresh foods, homemade meals, and let's be real, some stress. You'll find the way this fits in with your lifestyle and you'll be belly ache free in no time!!

Sweet sounds of health are just ringing in my water bowl. I'll always be here for you.



Sunday, January 3, 2010

Book Worm

Photo taken August 2005

Cole just read his first book - Biscuit and the Cat

Biscuit ran.
Biscuit ran to the cat.
The cat ran to the mat.
The cat naps on the mat.
Woof! Can Biscuit nap?
Nap, nap, cat.
Nap, nap, Biscuit.

Completely, all by himself, not from memory or by pictures, but by the actual words, out loud to me and Mr. W. It was AWESOME! We love you buddy.

Your super proud parents,

Mom and Dad