Thursday, November 27, 2008


WOW! What an amazing feast we just ate. The menu I posted last week was a HUGE hit. The three big winners: baked brie, spicy sweet potato casserole, deep fried turkey. The mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, veggies with special grandma dip, green bean casserole, stuffed mushrooms...even the rolls....ALL was delicious. And, we can't forget about the desserts! Yummy!
It was a feast to remember not only because of the food, but because of the company. Mom, Frank, Brian, Joe, Deborah, Michael, Derrick, Veronica, Eliana, and of course Chris and Cole made the afternoon truly special. THANKS!

We even had time to play the pin the tail on the turkey.

So, a moment for me to give you a short list of what I'm thankful for:

1. My family and friends - there is so much that happens in my daily life and the enjoyment I get from sharing my experiences and dreams with each of you. Without you, my life would be empty. I am truly thankful to each of you for the part you play in my life.

2. Actually number 1 is so good and so important that it's the only one I'm going to list right now.

I'm exhausted, my fingers are like prunes from the dishes and the couch is calling my name. Love to all.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To have or not to have

I always go back and forth with this very serious questions..."Should I or shouldn't I get bangs?" Well, I decided after about a year of not having them, that it was time to have them again. So my fabulous stylist, Jen, did the works yesterday and viola.....

My ponytail today makes me feel like a cheerleader. It's funny.

An update for all those interested - Chris' Family Floor Project is coming along nicely. He's such a stud. More later....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This is my VICTORY face! I'm not exactly sure why we called it that last night. Maybe because we survived nine weeks of our first bowling league. The "we" included me and two of my coworkers, Darla and Vikki. There is something to be said about bowling....
it's down right FUN! I think more people should do it, more often.

Our team improved so much that we moved from 8th place (last) to 4th place to 3rd place going into the finals. I'm not sure how we faired in the end because we didn't bowl very good last night, but we had fun. Thanks for the nachos Vikki.

Besides finishing up bowling, I've been on vacation this week and it's AWESOME. Things I've done:

1. Painted the kitchen - Sweet Georgia Brown
2. Got a hot stone massage....pure BLISS
3. Went to a "Bone Marrow" drive with Chris to see if we can help any kids who may need our marrow.
2. Loaded and unloaded slate tile for the family room floor project
3. Had coffee with Katie this morning
4. Got my hair done by my fabulous stylist, Jen
5. Drove to Longmont to borrow a tile saw for the family room floor project
6. Another trip to Home Depot
8. Date with Cole tonight so dad can work on the family room floor project...probably go bowling!

Almost Thanksgiving and there is SO much to be thankful for. I'll write all about it in a couple days.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

2009 Thanksgiving Menu:

Stuffed mushrooms
Brie and Cherry Stuffed Pastry
Vegetable crudite


Deep fried Turkey

Green bean casserole
Sweet potato casserole
Mashed potatoes with gravy

No bake Pumpkin Pie


Let the shopping and baking begin. Can't wait to hang with everyone on Thursday!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Old Friends

Well, I survived three days in NYC. There are advantages to traveling:

1. Greater appreciation for where I live, the clean Colorado air and the sleepiness of Broomfield

2. Long, uninterrupted showers

3. Sightseeing

4. Seeing old friends

The first night I got to hang with my dearest friend Peter. Peter and I go back to 1999 when I did my first triathlon in Longmong, CO. The wonderful thing about our friendship is that we don't have to see each other to enjoy each other. When we do see each other, we don't have to do ANYTHING. Give us a place to talk and we're good for hours. And that's just how it was this past week. We only had a few hours together, but it felt like it was yesterday that we had hung out when in reality it is been two years since we last saw each other. What a treat!

Besides work, I did see some fun stuff:

1. On my first run, I went by the Today show and hung out while they were filming. I could see Harry Conick Jr. inside playing the piano. It was AWESOME!

2. Went for a couple runs in Central Park.

3. Got a breakfast sandwich and walked by Tiffany's pretending I was Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany' favorite movie ever.

3. Walked to Time Square

4. Saw the new construction around the World Trade Center area.

5. Had a crazy taxi driver

6. Took the subway, multiple times....I actually like riding the subway.

7. Stayed at hotel no local New Yorker had ever heard of, but it ended up being FAB!

8. Bought Cole a snowglobe which he LOVES!

9. Eat a couple good dinners

10. Went to Century 21

But, I missed Cole and Chris TONS and was able to get an early flight back on Saturday so I practically had the whole weekend with them. And I got to sleep without ear plugs....ahhhh how I love Colorado.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Date Night

Last night was a spur of the moment self proclaimed date night for me and Cole. I picked him up from school, proclaimed DATE NIGHT and we went out for dinner, and then visited Michelle who is laid up from her most recent surgery. He was an angel and we had such a good evening.

While we were driving to Michelle's he told me ALL about what he learned at school that day which is usually like pulling teeth. I changed my usual "tell me about your day" to "tell me ONE thing you learned today". He said "Fire Trucks". And we were off..I asked question after question and he answered all of them....

What about fire trucks?
What do firemen wear?
Where do they sleep?
What do the truck sound like?
What does the truck do?
What do firemen wear?
Why do they wear that stuff?

I love you buddy. More than life itself. Thanks for telling me about your day.

p.s. I love you Chris. I always have and I always will.

p.s.2 Thanks for raising such a beautiful baby with me.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Brotherly Love

So, I'm at the mall yesterday with my little monkey (although he isn't so little anymore). We were trying to find him some new pants because all of his are becoming high waters and with white socks, that's just a NO NO! Then, my brother calls. My brother rarely calls me and because of this fact, I'm always skeptical and usually say "Did you need something?". Because otherwise why would you be calling; it couldn't possibly be just to talk.

But, it indeed was just to talk and it made me very happy. Although the conversation wasn't more than 10 minutes, it's made me smile everytime I've thought of him just ringing me for the sake of it.

So, I just wanted to say THANKS for calling. I love you very much.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Landslide Victory

Can I just say how proud I am today? PROUD that I voted, PROUD to be an American. Obama WON! I've never been into politics but this year was different. With Hillary and Barack battling, I was instantly engaged. I've been a fan of Obama since early in the race because the things he said made ME want to be a BETTER American, a better neighbor, a better friend....just be better.

He inspired me and that's what true leaders do. Even if the nation stays where it (it really can't get much worse), he was able to bring people together-all different kinds of people who want to believe in something better, who believe that change is possible. I'm optimistic that our beautiful USA is going to be in good hands....after all, they are OUR hands.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pumpkin Fairy

We have now introduced the Pumpkin Fairy. That's right, the Pumpkin Fairy. This mystical being comes on Halloween night while the little ones are sleeping and takes all their candy and replaces it with a toy. She even left a note for Cole:

To: Cole
From: The Pumpkin Fairy
I hope you enjoy your new toys. Be good for your mommy and daddy and maybe I'll see you again next year. Love - PF

You would have thought it was Christmas based on Cole's reaction in the morning when he saw his little toy on his desk with the note. Pure happiness. He LOVES the pumpkin fairy and so do I cuz there is NO candy in our house and the little monkey is happy.