Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quiet Moments

July 19, 2004 - Cole was born

Here I am .... alone, in my wonderful house - no music playing - just plain stillness (well, you can hear the refrigerator) - but otherwise, very peaceful. It's chilly, cloudy, and rainy outside. My little man is with his BFF Sofia. I'm eating dinner. Actually, I'm still eating dinner. It's been approx. 35 minutes and it feels nice to eat at a snail pace instead of in my normal 2.2 seconds. Everything is slower-and quieter-when Cole is away. Sometimes though, I will pace inside this house - up and down the hall and into the kitchen - repeatedly - because it takes me about an hour to figure out what to do with my time when Cole is finally occupied elsewhere.

I remember when Chris and I got married - my gosh - we were so happy and in love. We wanted that love duplicated and reproduced and it didn't take long. I miscarried the first time, but then, it didn't take long for our second opporunity to come along. BUT something happened....I wasn't happy being pregnant. I remember my mom and I getting in a BIG fight because I wasn't one of those women that glowed or embraced being pregnant. I down right hated it. I don't know why I didn't like it - maybe it was seeing my body change so much or maybe it was fear of the unknown, or maybe it was because I was selfish and didn't like sharing - who knows. We outlasted it though and while I didn't LOVE being pregnant, I absolutely LOVED my little baby boy. Of course, I didn't know a thing about babies and it was REALLY hard for those first three months...oh, who am I kidding, it was really hard those first couple of years. But there was always one constant - our love for Cole.

It's no wonder why we love him so much - because he is EXACTLY like Chris and EXACTLY like me. He is stubborn, independent, sweet, caring, orny, he loves to negoitate, he ALWAYS has to be right, he won't do something if he doesn't want to (this is soooo Chris). No wonder we fell in love with him.

I guess this is a rambling post. I'm not sure what my point was when I started. But, in the end, as much as I love Cole....I love the quiet moments too.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Speaking of Super Heros

Today I am self proclaiming myself as a Super Hero! That's right. I do believe it's time to add it to my list of life titles. I'm even going to go as far as putting it right up there with Mother, Wife, Daughter, Superhero!

Here is why - because I've managed our house - that's alot of chores-, vacation with Cole for 12 days, planned a Gigantic 5th year birthday party, laid people off at work, trained for a half marathon, ran a 10K, entertain Cole, and so on and so forth, for the last 5 weeks.

I thought the stress would kill me last week, but it's a new week, and I'm extremely optimistic that I've made it over the hump. Chris will be back in two weeks and our routine will slide right back into place. But, I tell you, I will still be a superhero.

Speaking of superheros - the biggest superhero I know is my mom. I'm complaining about 7 weeks - think of 15+ years. YEARS of being dedicated to raising her two children - her pride and joy, I might add - but selfless devotion to motherhood. She worked full-time and raised us full-time. She did take some time - very little - for herself to go country dancing, or go to a movie with friends. She almost always put herself second. And that's a super hero in my book. She taught me independence, to be a do'er, to have goals, to aim high.

If I could, I would give her a honorary doctrate degree from Harvard or create an award given out by the President, called the Mother of the Last Two Decades Award.

Here is to all the superhero Mom's. Keep on Keepin' On!

p.s. We love you Dads, but this post is about Mama's!

Monday, July 20, 2009

More Super Heros Please

Cole as BATMAN at Sierra's Birthday Party.

Cole as the bad SPIDERMAN at Longmont's River on the Rocks festival. He is too sweet to look bad.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Cole

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Boy! We love you soooo much!

You had an amazing day: water slide, Spongebob cake, pinata, family, friends, and lots and lots of toys.

grandma did so good making this cake. Thanks again for making it with love.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Get Well Soon

Dearest Grandpa Jack,

If knowing that someone really cares
Helps healing along its way
Then I hope you now feel better
And keep improving, day by day
-Jon Bratton c 2005

We love you and are thinking about you. Be patient with the recovery. No more limping!

Hugs and kisses,
Wendy, Chris and Cole

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

BIG vacation

Cole and I have been in Washington State for the past 12 days. WOW! We had a great time with Grandpa Jack, Grandma Carol, and Aunt Emma. We were in Seattle with everyone to run the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon. I got my own PR by nearly six minutes. It was a terrific race and even better to get to do it with family.

I stayed a few more days in Seattle and Cole went with Grandpa and Grandma back to Othello. Michelle and I went to Snoqualmie Falls, then to the San Juan Islands and kayaked around Henry Island and stayed in a fabulous little inn called, Juniper Lane. Highly recommend. I walked around Pike Place Market one morning, saw a huge jellyfish off the pier, ate Russian pastries filled with bavarian cream and cream of wheat, dusted with powder sugar....delicious!

Then I headed over to Othello which is about 3.5 hour drive. I stopped in this town, although, town is too strong of a word. It had a post office, a little convienent store called CB's, and maybe a mechanic shop. Everything else was boarded up. I stopped at CB's to grab a beverage and ended up sitting on the porch swing with an old timer named Toby Buchanan. He reminded me of my grandfather. He talked about his days as a truck driver, his marriages, his children, his cars....just about everything - non-stop - for two hours. It was a delight. He smelled like my grandfather too. I got his address, so I imagine I'll send him a card now and then to brighten his lonely days.

Back in Othello it was:

Ice Age 3 in Pasco with Aunt Emma and Cole

Water Fun at the Playground of Dreams off of the Columbia River

Emma's Swim Meet - I think she won all her events - you go girl

Water Park Fun in Moses Lake with Grandpa and Emma
Camera One
Camera Two
Pool Fun in Othello

Othello's Sun Faire for the Fourth of July - 5k for Grandma and Emma, 10k for me, and kids dash for Cole

Fireworks from the porch

Playing in the Snake River

Feeding chickens, collecting eggs, playing with kittens, pickin' rasberries

Backyard fun with Aunt Emma

Lots and lots of great food

Trip to Snoqualmie Falls on our way back to Seattle to catch our flight home

Thanks for having us for so long. It was a nice break for us while Chris is gone. We love you guys bunches.

First Things First: Happy Father's Day..with a PS

(in the beginning - August 2004)

Is it possible that it's been nearly three weeks since my last post? And that I practically missed Father's Day. Well, here it is, short and sweet like my Mother's Day post:

Happy Father's Day to:

Mr. Wonderful, the BEST daddy in the world
My big brother Derrick
Umple Joe
Grandpa Jack
Grandpa Frank
Stan Matz, proud papa of the tiniest baby boy
Umple Brian - who spent the afternoon at Cole's school filling in for Chris at their Father's Day Party
Jim Jones
Toby Buchanan - my newest "old timer" friend from Easton, WA
My grandpa, Virgil Coleman - gone but never forgotten
All my uncles
And all the others I have inadvertently forgot to mention

Love to all. Thanks for being part of our family.
P.S. We had a fabulous bbq at my mom's house with good food, great company, and the cutest little kids on the planet.