Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Art Show

Dear Cole,

Your artwork was chosen to be displayed at the 2011 Boulder Valley Schools k-8 Art Show. The show was open March 5-April 3 at the Boulder Public Library. Tonight, you were honored at Emerald. You stood in front of your art and as people passed by, you told them about your piece. It was so awesome. Dad and I are super proud of you.

You've been learning about impressionism and Monet. You describe your bridge piece like this:

So, you know Monet. Ok, well, Monet didn't use black or shadowing. He didn't go swish swash swish swash when he painted. He used a lot of little tiny dots, which I've included. The sun is shining, reflecting on the water, and bouncing back to the underneath of the bridge.

Well done darling. Well done.

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