Friday, February 13, 2009

Why I Do It

I've been wanting to answer a question lately about why I blog.

Blogging makes me appreciate the simple things in life. The things that really matter. The things that make me the happiest. I remember when I didn't have a blog and I would read NieNie's blog and think, how is her life so wonderful? Everything can't always be that good, can it?

Blogging makes me feel closer to myself, to what's really important to me. It helps remind me to keep things in perspective. And while my life isn't always peachy, it's pretty damn close and blogging helps me give thanks for the little things instead of consuming myself with the things I can't change. It's about making cookies and taking a picture of them because you're so proud of how beautiful they look. Or talking about how you first met the love of your life. Or documenting some of the "firsts", like Cole riding his bike or singing in the holiday show. Or telling my mom how much she means to me.

I focus on the little monkey and how in the bottom of my soul, he has changed me. All the brillant things he has shown me and taught me. His little laugh, his beautiful eyes, his soft touch, his amazing character. I am so proud of him. He is my angel and I am filled with so much more love because of him.

I can't speak of love without mentioning Mr. Wonderful. I'll let you all in on a little secret - I don't always think he is wonderful (and that's ok and I'm not always wonderful either) and our marriage isn't perfect (and that's ok, too). But, I love our little life and the home we've built, and most of the all the son we're raising. And, those are the things I write about. Sometimes, I read through my old blog entries, just to smile at the silly things. And one day, Cole will read these and hopefully feel how much we love him and how lost we would be without him.

I love you monkey and I love you Mr. Wonderful - Happy Valentine's Day!

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