Friday, February 5, 2010

Sink Holes

Last night I woke from a nightmare, sweaty and heart racing. I dreamt that Cole had fallen into a hole...a hole that went down miles...a snowy hole. He was jumping around on the snow and all of the sudden, it gave way and he was gone in an instant. I can't explain what it was like to see that happen. There was nothing to do. The hole went on forever and the snow was falling into it. I didn't know how to save him. I knew he was dead. My heart is racing just thinking about it again.

I was so freaked it out and worked up, that when I let the dogs out at 4:30am, I ate a bowl of cereal because I was starving. I tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work out so well.

I'm tired now. It finally caught up me with me. I didn't have time to be tired at work, but now, in the quiet of the house, I realize just how tired I am. I called Rachel and asked her why she thought I had a dream like that and she asked if I had seen the preview for Alice and Wonderland because there is a scene like that. I hadn't seen the preview so I kind of wrote it off. But later in the day, I realized that I did see a movie called All About Steve with Sandra Bullock (btw - it was quite funny). Anyhow, there was scene where about 20 kids are running through a field and all of the sudden the earth opens right up, like a big sink hole.

It makes perfect sense now. I still hate the dream.

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