Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jump-n-Rope: Tournament Nov. 22

Cole and I competed in our first jump rope tournament on November 22. This little six year old is quite a good jumper.
We both competed in five events:
1-minute speed
3-minute speed
1-minute double unders
1-minute criss crosses
1-minute speed forward then backwards

Cole did so good. His little cheeks were red and his hair soaked in sweat by the end of the 3-minute speed, but he was focused and determined the whole time. So proud you little monkey. You were awesome!

Mom didn't too bad either. I will admit though, at first when we got there, I was thinking "What the f--- am I doing?" But some other adults showed up so there were 8 of us in our own category. And the funny thing is, that by the end, I couldn't have imagined NOT doing it. We had a blast. Special thanks to Mr. W, our videographer and cheerleader for the day. He got some great footage.

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