Saturday, December 11, 2010


Dear World,

Well, I've finally caught up on some blogging. The past seven weeks have been challenging, both personally and professionally. I have been struggling with finding clarity, balance, motivation and at the same time trying to be resilient and let things go. It's been a struggle and well, when life gets you down, it's sometimes hard to be happy.

These are the times that allow us to grow, to develop, to become more. So, I'll embrace it, even though it's hard as hell and I'll most likely cry some more tears. But, my happy blog lives. It's my place to see how beautiful and wonderful life is and all the people in it....all the people in my world.

Be thankful for the little things, everyday. They keep people going. Last weekend Cole called out from his bed in the morning "Mom? Can I come snuggle with you?" Who could ever resist. He climbed in, his body warm and soft and wrapped himself around me like a cocoon. It was a sweet moment that I've taken myself back to several times this week.

I'm going to practice what a wise woman once told me - "Rest in the unknown". It's hard to find peace in that, but I'm going to try.

Good night,


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