Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I'm fascinated by many things (mostly things that I see on TLC):

1. Treeman - must google - discovery channel

2. Lady with the GIANT legs - again, must google -

3. How bridges are built over large masses of water

4. Obsesity

5. John and Kate plus 8 - I can barely handle one, how can they possibily manage 8

Mr. Wonderful is vying for attention while I try to concentrate on writing my blog. He is reading silly jokes to me. It's hard for me to concentrate....he's laughing in my ear, but I'm trying to remain focused on this's not working very well.

8. Conjoined twins that have been seperated

(maybe I should have been a doctor because these medical rarities are quite fasinating)

9. Single Parents - they amaze me! I'm sure I could do it, but I am SO thankful that I don't have to.

10. I'm sure there is a number 10 but I can't come up with it right now.

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