Tuesday, December 15, 2009

2009 Kiddie Academy Holiday Program

I had some great video footage of Cole performing at his holiday program and I would really have loved to post it here. I would have loved to watch it over and over. BUT, I forgot my camera at Skate City last night and no one turned it in. So, I'm lost. How do people survive without a digital camera. I could have used it on multiple occasions just today, but instead, I'm left with nothing but the memory that will soon fade in my little brain.

So, as for the holiday program I'll have to try to describe it. It was well organized. Each of the different classes went. I'm not sure it's gets any better than seeing those cute little one and two year olds up on stage all dressed up attempting to sing. Next up were the three year olds which was complete and utter chaos. They just ran around the stage, singing whatever they wanted and for four or five whole minutes, it was, in a strange way, entertaining. The fours were next and they did a little skit and all of them behaved perfectly. It was great. Now for Cole's class - the five year olds. They had four songs to sing. Let me back up just a bit and say that Cole's energy level in the month of December tends to go from 150% to 2,000%. It's incredible. So, needless to say, he was so excited for the holiday program and probably nervous at the same time and also being a five year old boy, somewhat of a show off, he was very enthusiastic.

I'm still unsure if I use the word enthusiastic in a good way or a bad way. I will say that as soon as he came on stage, I just knew. Knew that he was wound up, knew that he didn't care that I was giving him the "you better behave look" as I sat on the floor at the front of the stage with my camera. He was doing all sorts of dance moves (that weren't part of the choreography), talking to his neighbor during songs and so it went. And after they left the stage and I returned to my seat where Mr. W. confirmed my feelings. We were very disappointed.

It was the kind of disappoint that stayed with me until mid-way through the next day. The kind that had us meet him outside the auditorium and tell him we were leaving early. The kind that had us saying, "We expected your best and we didn't see it tonight and we're disappointed in your behavior." As a team, Mr. W. and I handled it very well. It was a tough situation. I mean, he is only five and I as laid down to bed that night I asked Chris, "We're we too hard on him?"
To the core of soul disappointment lingered for almost another 24 hours. I can still taste it if I think hard enough.

I know we will see it again, hopefully not for another 10 years or so. It was hard. It made me think of times when I disappointed my mom. Now I truly knows what it feels like....and it stinks. Even so, the video was cute and in hindsight he was still singing and doing all the choreography...but still.

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