Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hiking Green Mountain
Happy Birthday Grammy
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sweet Baby Cole
Mega Swim
After the big 42nd birthday celebration, the rest of the weekend was spent in Ft. Collins getting ready for this silly 10k swim at Horsetooth Reservoir.
Check out the video. Thanks Charlie for putting that together.
In the video at the end I say it took me 3:20 but it really took me 3:33! Slacker!
Big thanks to Mr. W. for all his support as my paddler. And a huge thanks to all my friends and family who encouraged me along the way. Remember, Windsor? The race I pulled out of. That was tramatic for me, but it was my friends who got me past that hurdle. It's my friends that got me to that finish line, who believed in me. I really can't thank you enough. It's these words and more (like Mr. W. yelling at me to knock it off when I started crying at mile 5.5 because I was so tired) that got me to the end...
I am so proud of you my friend! No matter what hapens on race day, you have done months of training and being uncomfortable. The race is just a litttle piece of all you have already done. I wish I could be there. But know I am thinking of you, sending you warm thoughts, and know you will kick ass! because you ROCK my friend!
Love ya!
Hi Wendy,
I am so impressed with your effort. I am not surprised that you have trained so hard. When you make your mind up to do something, you do it, gracefully and humbly. I am not surprised and wont be surprised that you are going to finish this race, but know that even if you don’t, your win when you get to the starting line.
Good Luck,
Rachel Greenberg Matz commented on your status: ""Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely."" Thoughts after on.
Post race: Friend - i am SOOO proud of you for accomplishing a huge goal today!! all the dedication, training, mental perserverance, and energy you put into today really paid off. it was so amazing watching you swim across the finish line. what a huge physical and mental accomplishment!! sierra, ryder and i were really happy to be a part of it, thanks for inviting us. :)
Charlie sent me a great quote on race day but I can't find it....lame! It was really awesome.
Even my jump rope instructor: I want to recognize one of our jumpers, Wendy Velez. She is participating in a super insane crazy awesome event this weekend at Horsetooth Reservoir. She is swimming a 10K in open water - no wetsuit.. Not only is Wendy a super fast jumper, she is an amazing fish! GO WENDY!
Happy (belated) Birthday
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A Vacation of Sorts
Camping with Cole

Latest 10
Let's see what I can remember that happened longer than a minute ago:
1. Cole learned to tie his shoes. Candy is a wonderful incentive.
2. I had a fantastic trip to NYC and are planning on meeting up with some of my new girlfriends in Chicago in October. Chicago in October - doesn't it just sound perfect?
3. Speaking of NYC - the conference I went to re-energized me and gave me new ideas about leading my team. I realized I've been stuck in my office too much. I need to give some love to my peeps.
So, I just spent two hours baking a bunch of cakes and tomorrow, during a meeting, I'm going to announce a CHALLENGE in which I break the team into groups and they get to make something with all these fun cakes. They will have to work as a team in a short amount of time with a very limited supplies of tools. All while 20 eyes are watching them to see who comes up with the most CREATIVE, the most ORIGINAL, and the BEST THEME! We're going to have some fun tomorrow. Other fun CHALLENGES coming up in the spirit of teambuilding are making a NITA commercial and a NITA jingle. It's amazing how creative people can get.
4. I still haven't sent out Thank You's from Cole's birthday party that was a month ago. Although I am stealing Rachel's card idea. It was just too cute.
5. Cole starts First grade on Tuesday. Seriously? My sweet baby monkey.
6. We had a blast with Grandpa Jack and Aunt Emma. See seperate post.
7. Cole and I went camping. See seperate post.
8. My swim is in 4 days!
9. I'm getting excited for fall. I want to bowl again.
10. I want to start running again. I miss it.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The effects

I have the best neighbors and friends in the world. Thanks Cesar and Dena for sitting at the house time and again while I go swim when CV is out of town. And to Megan for being willing to babysit at 5:30 in the morning. And to Peter for finding me a pool while I was in NYC.
Tonight, during my practice, I got goosebumps while I was swimming because I was thinking about the race. I wasn't thinking about how cold it was going to be, I was imagining myself finishing. I'm going to take cold baths for the next two weeks. My body is ready. My brain is getting there. And, to be honest, I'm starting to get kindof (big emphasis on kindof) excited to do this thing. I swam 8600 meters on Saturday. Another 3700 tonight. And last week, I did about 16,700. I think I'm peaked....and tired.
Good night world.