Friday, September 17, 2010

Hiking Eldorado State Park

Cole didn't want to hike....I made him in exchange for a bag of balloons. I thought that the balloons were a better choice than candy, but I'm pretty sure that those damn balloons were almost the death of me. Just imagine someone blowing up a balloon, like 1,000 times, never tying it and letting the air out slowly sometimes, fast other times, sqeaky, flying....oh, all the ways to play with an untied balloon. One balloon would have been fine, but I bought the bag with 12 and him and Sofia went through all was something else.

So, we ended up hiking Rattlesnake Gulch Saturday morning. It was a gorgeous day and we had a blast chatting and playing with sticks that we pretended were bow and arrows. When we started the hike, this charming metal rattlesnake is at the beginning of the trail and it scared both of us to death. But, by the end, Cole worked up the courage to touch it. We visited the Crags Hotel ruin. It was a hotel built in 1908 and burned down in 1912. We ate lunch in what would have been the lobby.
He absolutely loves playing in the water. We climbed down a steep section to get to the Boulder Creek and upon arrival, he immediately said "I have to poop!" And you know he is serious because his face is fearful that he might not have time to actually pull his pants down. But, he made it. And poop he did. Is it bad that we just covered it up with a big rock?

On the hike he told me about playing soccor and how he kind of did the splits. Then he said, "I crack my balls good. I mean, I really cracked my balls."

I love you monkey!

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