Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Night Riding

Mr. Wonderful broke his collar bone two days ago on a night mountain bike ride with some friends in Virginia. Now he is in a sling with bruises and some pain killers. Would have loved to see the crash on video. OUCH!

Cole and I have been making cupcakes and cookies, playing make believe, reading books, biking to school and just plain hanging out. We miss you daddy.

The toughest parts about going solo are:
Meal Time - I need someone to entertain Cole so we can stop eating Mac and Cheese
School Time - my new start time at work is 9am
Night Time - we need your big "Go To Bed Now Cole" voice

I've been asleep by 8:15 just about every night from pure mental and physical exhaustion. Cole is a machine. It makes getting up with dogs at 5 am easier.

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