Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

You just never know what Cole will be for Halloween, given that he has like 6 costumes that he wear randomly throughout the year. His official costume this year was a Zombie Convict. His mask was pretty scary too. We celebrated at Kiddie Academy's Fall Festival Friday night. There were games in different rooms, all his teachers dressed up, there was a chili cook-off. It was tons of fun.
For official treat-or-treating, he was Spiderman. He met his friend Eric for a little party and then it was neighborhood friends who gathered to go treat-or-treating together. The pumpkin fairy will visit tonight and exchange all his candy for a sweet little toy....think Astro Boy this year. Meanwhile, Dad and I already got dibs on the candy we wanted (tootsie rolls - it's my version of crack).

Happy Halloween to all!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I don't know what to write about tonight, only that last night when I took the dogs for walk, I wrote a blog entry in my head with intentions of actually getting online to make it official, but I opted to read instead.

In case you don't have one, you really should get a Kindle. Let's talk about the Kindle because I had an interesting conversation with a woman at a birthday party Cole went to about the Kindle and expense and the non use of the library. Expense, yes. Library check-outs, no. I love the library. I miss studying at the library, the quiteness, finding books, doing research. And yes, library books are free. But there is something innovative, futuristic, forward thinking that makes reading on the Kindle a treat. So, I simply must say, I love it. And I still also love my local Mamie Dowd Public Library right across the street.

On a different note, I'd like to point out:
My boss got fired
I now report to someone else
My "new" car is having problems
My feet are killing me and making me very frustrated
Money is short

I have the most beautiful family ever! Seriously, you've seen Cole right? And Mr. W looks very fashionable in his new winter hat.
We have a wonderful home - who cares that it's cracking in all sorts of places, that our walls have been empty since my living paint job this summer.
We have silly, playful and lovable dogs.
We have the best neighbors - they invited us over for tea and pumpkin spice cake last night. It was such a nice treat.

It's all in our perspective of things. That's not to say that I haven't been stressed out over the other stuff, because I surely have....just ask CV. But, in the end, today was a great day and tomorrow will be too. It's our choice!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ellie-Bellie Photo Shoot at the Great Halloween Pty

I'm pretty sure this is the cutest little kitty around!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The best thing about Facebook, for me, is reconnecting with my old high school and college friends. It's a bit nostalgic to reminisce, day dream of the crazy adventures we had. Here's to the good old days.

I was just typing my best friend from middle school and high school (before I ditched everyone for a guy) and while it's fun to reconnect, it makes me sad to know that 15-20 years have passed. 15 years that have been missed with someone I was so close to. Like sisters with. We were attached at the hip.

In my mind, thinking about those times, they seem like yesterday. I can remember the smell of of early morning track meets. I can hear the loud buzz of people congregating in the commons between classes or at lunch. I can see people's faces so clearly. Hear teachers talking. Remember Yearbook class, or Flag practice, or getting out of swim practice past dark in the cold. I can remember making waffles (all the time), slumber parties, first cars, first kisses, first best friends.

And grad school. Well, I remember Madonna concerts, parties, bars, and crazy (and I do mean crazy) girls weekends. Here's to BFF's, Rachel. To watching each other mature (or get old, which ever is easier on the ears), seeing each other get married, be professional business women, have kids. Here's to, in many ways, a simpler life. Where we enjoy smaller, more intimate dinner gatherings, with good wine, good food, and good company.

I can remember it all like it was yesterday and yet over 20 years have passed since I was in middle/high school; I went to college and graduate school, I'm a home owner four times over, an accomplished business professional, a mother, a wife, an aunt. I'm old!

When did this happen? When did I reach my mid-30's? Where did high school go? College? Youth?

While I wouldn't trade a day of my life, it's super fun to look back; to see old friends, reminisce about youth, being naive. Everything that has happened has gotten me to where I am today, even if I do feel a little old. Nothing that a day at the spa or shopping won't cure.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Balloon Festival

Last weekend, Katie and I took a road trip to Albuquerque, NM to watch the balloon festival. Turns out we weren't all that excited about seeing the balloons, but WOW. We were absolutely blown away. We woke up at 6 and watch out the window of the house as the "dawn patrol" was making their flight to test to the wind. We saw the after burn in the dark morning. It was magnificent. We drove over to a hill and watched from a distance as the mass assention started, something like 700 balloons. Then, we went and watched from the rooftop of the house as hundreds of balloons flew right over our heads. Next stop was down to the Rio Grande and watch some very skilled pilots do a dip and dash. Then back home for a warm bowl of oatmeal. Truly incredible experience.

Monster Mash

Well, we survived Cole's Halloween Costume Party, thanks to the good likes of Mr. Wonderful, Umple Joe, Deborah, Umple Derrick, Aunt Veronica, Grandma, and Cesar....(did I miss anyone?) They all stuck around and watched the 10 crazy kids in costumes, in a sea of chaotic adventure.

Friday, October 16, 2009

There are things I just know about myself. Like, I don't think I could ever be a stay at home mom. I've been home 2.5 days with my sick little monkey and I know for sure, I would gain about 100 pounds. Snack, snack, snack, oh, didn't get quite enough sugar with that snack, so another more sugary snack. My jeans feel tight today and I keep telling myself that it's because they just came out of the dryer. Wendy, just stop eating. Stop watching the Heene balloon nonsense on the internet. My dogs are even annoying me - they want out, then they want in, out, in, out, in---URGH. I'm meant to sit behind a desk from 8-5, in an office outside of my house.
I have though, been very crafty getting everything ready for Cole's 1st Annual Halloween Costume Party this coming Sunday. It's sure to be a good time. I just love watching 10, five year old run around having fun.
On the agenda:
Monster Mash - with the strobe light (that is a Cole requirement)
Skeleton Hunt - find the pieces and then put him together
Guess How Many Candy Corns
Zombie Tag
Candy Necklace kits
Cotton Ball run
Mummy Wraps
Add some sugary treats (of course sugary, because I can't seem to get enough of it) and some dry ice to the punch and you have yourself a party.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Thank you for my life
for my beautiful Cole
for my wonderful husband
for my amazing family
for all my true friends
for all the hard things that make me grow as a person
for all the simple things for me to enjoy
Thank you for my life
Little Cole said tonight, "Mama, let's go in your room and lay on your bed and cuddle."
Who could ever pass that up?
He is learning how to read and when he recognizes a word, you can see how proud he is.
He learned how to skip a couple weekends ago
He loves to jump rope
I love to watch him do just about everything
to smell his hair after his bath
to feel his soft skin as I put lotion on him
to hear him say "Mom, you're pretty."
and I love surprise visits to my office
Sepsey Family - There is power in love; be patient. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I can just see John as he comes out of his coma try to talk with his jaw wired. It will be nice to see his smile again.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Broomfield Days 2009

I did mention how sweet my nephew is, right? I mean seriously!

Well, what about my niece? Adorable, right? I mean seriously!

And we all know how cute Cole is. I mean seriously!

Thanks for bringing the babies to the Broomfield Days parade. It was a blast!