Thursday, November 27, 2008


WOW! What an amazing feast we just ate. The menu I posted last week was a HUGE hit. The three big winners: baked brie, spicy sweet potato casserole, deep fried turkey. The mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, veggies with special grandma dip, green bean casserole, stuffed mushrooms...even the rolls....ALL was delicious. And, we can't forget about the desserts! Yummy!
It was a feast to remember not only because of the food, but because of the company. Mom, Frank, Brian, Joe, Deborah, Michael, Derrick, Veronica, Eliana, and of course Chris and Cole made the afternoon truly special. THANKS!

We even had time to play the pin the tail on the turkey.

So, a moment for me to give you a short list of what I'm thankful for:

1. My family and friends - there is so much that happens in my daily life and the enjoyment I get from sharing my experiences and dreams with each of you. Without you, my life would be empty. I am truly thankful to each of you for the part you play in my life.

2. Actually number 1 is so good and so important that it's the only one I'm going to list right now.

I'm exhausted, my fingers are like prunes from the dishes and the couch is calling my name. Love to all.

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