Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Old Days

Dear Cole,
Daddy is in Virginia working this week. It's just you and me buddy. Tonight, after we finished reading and we were cuddling, I asked you what was the first memory you have. You said it was being at the zoo and peeing in the bushes. I remember that too. Then you took over.

cole: Do you remember what house you grew up in?
me: yes, I grew up in the house that Grandma lives in.
cole: was it in black and white or color?
me: not sure what you mean.
cole: you know, was it back in the old days, like black and white [photos]?
me: I'm not that old Cole. You think I look like I'm a 100 years old?
cole: you do look like an old lady.

Then, I had to tickle you because we have the best conversations. And after you're sound asleep, I grew sad because one of my first memories was when I was probably 5 and it saddens me to know that you won't remember most of our first six years together when you are old like me. We have just had so many wonderful times and watching you grew up and try new things and learn so much ---makes me proud and sad at the same time. I hope this blog and your photo books show you how happy we were...how happy we are.

I love you.

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