Wednesday, February 2, 2011

School Closed

School was closed yesterday and today because of the cold temperatures. We had adventures in my office yesterday. You love putting in the secret combination to get in the building and then using the secret card key to open the doors. You watched a movie while I was in a very long meeting. At some point, you visited with Nick and somehow made your way out with a yo yo and his plastic gun with darts. I taught you to stand on a chair to yo yo so that the string had room to drop. You practiced a lot yesterday and mastered it. You are now officially a yo yo'er. What else did you do? You helped Daniel with a real work project, interviewed Terre on camera while I tested out our new studio equipment, signed an important document, played hangman with Terre, scored some candy from Whitney and Vikki, and well, for the most part were pretty good....for a six year old.

So, when we heard school was canceled again for today, we invite Fia over for a slumber party. You guys must have been tired because you didn't do the usual late night chatting. In the morning, Cesar took you to the Childrens Museum where you were gone most of the day. Awesome for me because I put in six solid hours of work which was desperately needed.

We survived two canceled days of school and now we're almost ready for the weekend. I need to schedule some playdates...Umple Joe - here we come.

Love you baby doll,

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