In hind sight, I guess it wasn't THAT bad. He still is adorable. So, we'll leave you with this Christmas song and say Merry Christmas to All.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Kiddie Academy Holiday Program
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sweet Baby Estes. She's already six and half years old. Graying on her face and a lover of belly rubs, we have concluded that she really is half human and half cat, living in a dog body. She sits like a human and lounges on the arm of the sofa chair like a cat. She is soft as silk and loves to be hugged and kissed. And she even likes her playmate Smokey.
This is Smokey. We call him Rita (code word for retarded). He's not really retarded but he is still a puppy and quite honestly, sometimes acts a little slow. But, his spirit is always happy. He likes to follow Mr. W. around and get under his feet and just bug him more often than not. But this big guy thinks he is a lap dog and well, if given the opportunity, will lay on top of you with his face right in yours and fall fast asleep if you so allow him.
Last but definitely not least is trouble. Just look at this picture. It really says it all - aren't those evil eyebrows? This is pretty much what our adorable baby boy turned into. He is 5 going on 20. A rebel, a ruler of his own world, a push-the-limits of every authority figure he knows. He basically lives in some form of being grounded, which quite honestly, I don't think he minds. Who ever stole my baby boy, I want him back. I have no money, but I bake a mean chocolate chip cookie. And how, sweet lilacs, can a demon child like this bring me to tears one minute of testing the limits of my patience and in the next, while he sleeps, bring me to tears again because he is so beauitiful and peaceful and still my baby boy? How, sweet lilacs, is that possible?
Other important news:
- Mr. W. tore out our old 1960's sliding back doors and installed beautiful new french doors yesterday. It looks marvelous. He really is my own Bob Vila.
- I didn't find my camera, but I found almost my identical one (pink and all) for a steal at Mictrocenter.
- We helped Grandma decorate her tree and get her house festive for Thursday.
- We went to see Avatar and it was AWESOME!!!
- Aunt Veronica surprised me at work today with a vanilla tea latte. She made my day.
- Cole is grounded....probably for life.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Skate City - Emerald Elementary Night
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
2009 Kiddie Academy Holiday Program
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Gilpin Cty Fair: Annual Tradition
Well, we didn't miss it again this year. 5 years running and Rachel, Sierra, me and Cole made our way to the Gilpin Cty Holiday Fair. We missed the face painter this year but they got temporary tattoos instead. It's always a blast to make the ceramic hand prints, decorate the cookie (and eat it of course) and sit on Santa's lap. We love this tradition and hope it continues for years to come.
Future Baker
Thanksgiving Pics
Friday, December 11, 2009
Story Time
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Deep Thoughts: Venting
It just means that temporiraly I am conflicted or just plain aggrevated. That’s the beauty of family and friends. The ability to share, in some cases, negative thoughts or feelings and have it be ok. Because that’s the way it should work.
But, sometimes, it doesn’t work like that. Sometimes, because your family or friend loves you and wants to protect you - even though that’s not what you need, you just needed an unconditional ear – they take what you say and use it against you in a way. Maybe you vent about a friend to a family member and then that family member treats the friend you were venting about like an enemy. Your family member shouldn’t be judging your friend just because you were venting about them or because you are having a personal conflict with them.
It’s hurtful and wrong. And it betrays a level of trust in confiding in that person because of how the person or other people they told acted in return. So when someone vents to you, it’s for your ear, not your advice or judgement. Be careful how you use information that people are confiding in you. It's a personal responsibility and an unspoken oath you take as a friend.
To lighten this heavy post up a bit, here's a shout out to Rachel, who has NEVER, in our 10 years of friendship, used anything I've said against me or anyone else. It's a mark of a true friend. I love you girl.
--lighter post next time I promise, just had to get this off my chest.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy 36th Birthday Brother!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Imperfection is Perfection
The other night, I got myself all worked up because I was stressing about the imperfections of our house: the cracks, the creaks, the oldness, the unpainted this and the unfixed that, the half finished projects, etc. But as I laid in bed analyzing my crazy behavior, I found peace in those exact things. Our house isn't perfect and there will ALWAYs be lots of things to fix and refinish, but it is our home. It's where we spend a majority of our time - where we play games, have dinner parties, watch movies. It's our sanctuary. Be grateful and thankful.
So, I sit here at the bar, smelling the aroma of fresh baked cranberry-pear pie, I AM grateful and thankful for soooo many things. And my blessings outweigh any imperfections this life has to offer me.
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Friends
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Same Old Same Old
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Dragon Dash 2009
Great job baby! You did so awesome!