Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sweet & Simple

I haven't been feeling the flow of words lately. I hope I'm not getting writers block (ha!). It seems like there hasn't been much new going on. Maybe that's the problem...or maybe it's just that I wrote a whole blog entry and just accidentially deleted it. Damn it! Urgh...second attempt now.
1. Cole had his second swim lesson. He is such a ROCK STAR! He did the backstroke all by himself. It was another one of those proud parent moments. We aren't at our limit for those yet, right? Because in all honestly, I don't think they will ever run out.
2. Cole and I saw Hotel for Dogs - super cute. Wished Aunt Emma could have been here to go with us.

3. Chris has made two really good meals this week; Chicken Paella and Penne with Asapargus and turkey bacon - WOW - watch out Wolfgang, you've got competition.

4. I shopped at the new farmers market grocery store, Sprouts, and I even used our grocery totes instead of plastic bags. Way to save the planet Wendy. (Just a little side note about the planet - if you don't recycle, START! It's so easy. Start with cardboard, plastics, glass,'d be amazed how much less trash you have.)

5. I sat in my car and watched a guy roll down his window and throw out his burning cigarette. For about one minute, while I waited behind him for the light to turn green, I honestly thought about getting out of my car, picking up his disgusting trash, pounding on his window and throwing it in his car. This was quite a fantasy and I played it in my head out about three times before the light turned.

6. Amazing cross-country skiing adventure with one of my best pals, Charlie. She is just so British and just so cute. We had a blast. Thanks for getting me out there.

7. Four days of 60+ degree weather, sunshine, hiking, and riding my new single speed - all have hindered my motivation at work as I would rather be outside playing.

See what I mean... just doesn't seem like worthy blogging but then again, it is our life.
Simple and Sweet.
p.s. Umple Joe - we hope you start feeling better. We're patiently waiting to see you in your new bowling shoes.
p.s.s. Thank you to the President of Simple Computer Systems, Chris Velez, for upgrading my hardware. This new computer rocks.

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