Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Jingle Jangle
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Cream of Wheat

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Proud moments
Monday, December 15, 2008
And that was our Saturday. Hip Hip Hooray!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
1. Treeman - must google - discovery channel
2. Lady with the GIANT legs - again, must google -
3. How bridges are built over large masses of water
4. Obsesity
5. John and Kate plus 8 - I can barely handle one, how can they possibily manage 8
7. Mermaid girl -
8. Conjoined twins that have been seperated
(maybe I should have been a doctor because these medical rarities are quite fasinating)
9. Single Parents - they amaze me! I'm sure I could do it, but I am SO thankful that I don't have to.
10. I'm sure there is a number 10 but I can't come up with it right now.
For all the Melissa Peterson's
But what happens to the people around us during our chaotic, exhausting, love filled bliss? The people in our lives, our friends and family, are still there. They support us, mentor us, love us, and WAIT for us. They wait for us to have time for THEM.
So, I dedicate this post to all my wonderful friends and I know they are truly friends because we can pick up exactly where we left off even if it's been two years or two months. I'm calling this the "Melissa Peterson phenomenom". I'm not sure I could count all the number of friends this applies to. But, they've WAITED, just like Melissa. It's been two years since I saw Melissa (we live 20 minutes from each other). I've been on her email threads for funnies or upcoming get togethers, but they often went unreplied to by me. Or calls that I thought about making hundreds of times, but never got around to it. Or visits that were never arranged.
It's amazing how life flies by; how much we take for all the Melissa Peterson's in our lives. It's also for all the other people in my life that I talk to every two days, two hours, or two minutes. My life is richer because of each of you.
I love you all. Thank you for waiting for me.
Sassy Sappy Signing off.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Spirit
We've put up the tree and decorated it, with tons of help from Cole.
Mr. Wonderful hung the lights up outside.
Frosty and Santa inflatables are now present on the front lawn.
Cole and I went to the tree lighting ceremony for the City of Broomfield.
Cole and Michael made holiday crafts at the free library craft day.
I celebrated with co-workers at NITA 3rd Annual Holiday Party
*yes, that's right, Ruth's hand IS on Mary's boob!
In the spirit of holiday giving, Michelle treated Cole and I to the Seussical play. Fun!
Next up will be Cole's concert at school. His class is singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.
And on a seperate note, we've been wondering all weekend how Grandma Carol and Aunt Darla did in the Las Vegas Half Marathon. Calling them now.....
Love to all.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Christmas Giving
Wendy has Mom
Mom has Veronica
Veronica has Cole
Cole has Chris
Chris has Eliana
Eliana has Frank
Frank has Brian
Brian has Derrick
Derrick has Wendy
Happy Shopping!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
To have or not to have
My ponytail today makes me feel like a cheerleader. It's funny.
An update for all those interested - Chris' Family Floor Project is coming along nicely. He's such a stud. More later....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This is my VICTORY face! I'm not exactly sure why we called it that last night. Maybe because we survived nine weeks of our first bowling league. The "we" included me and two of my coworkers, Darla and Vikki. There is something to be said about bowling....
it's down right FUN! I think more people should do it, more often.
Our team improved so much that we moved from 8th place (last) to 4th place to 3rd place going into the finals. I'm not sure how we faired in the end because we didn't bowl very good last night, but we had fun. Thanks for the nachos Vikki.
Besides finishing up bowling, I've been on vacation this week and it's AWESOME. Things I've done:
1. Painted the kitchen - Sweet Georgia Brown
2. Got a hot stone massage....pure BLISS
3. Went to a "Bone Marrow" drive with Chris to see if we can help any kids who may need our marrow.
2. Loaded and unloaded slate tile for the family room floor project
3. Had coffee with Katie this morning
4. Got my hair done by my fabulous stylist, Jen
5. Drove to Longmont to borrow a tile saw for the family room floor project
6. Another trip to Home Depot
8. Date with Cole tonight so dad can work on the family room floor project...probably go bowling!
Almost Thanksgiving and there is SO much to be thankful for. I'll write all about it in a couple days.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thanksgiving Feast
Stuffed mushrooms
Brie and Cherry Stuffed Pastry
Vegetable crudite
Deep fried Turkey
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato casserole
Mashed potatoes with gravy
No bake Pumpkin Pie
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Old Friends
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Date Night
While we were driving to Michelle's he told me ALL about what he learned at school that day which is usually like pulling teeth. I changed my usual "tell me about your day" to "tell me ONE thing you learned today". He said "Fire Trucks". And we were off..I asked question after question and he answered all of them....
What about fire trucks?
What do firemen wear?
Where do they sleep?
What do the truck sound like?
What does the truck do?
What do firemen wear?
Why do they wear that stuff?
I love you buddy. More than life itself. Thanks for telling me about your day.
p.s. I love you Chris. I always have and I always will.
p.s.2 Thanks for raising such a beautiful baby with me.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Brotherly Love
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Landslide Victory
He inspired me and that's what true leaders do. Even if the nation stays where it (it really can't get much worse), he was able to bring people together-all different kinds of people who want to believe in something better, who believe that change is possible. I'm optimistic that our beautiful USA is going to be in good hands....after all, they are OUR hands.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Pumpkin Fairy
Thursday, October 30, 2008
His freedom now expands to the dirt bike track by our house that has downhills, bumps and lots of dirt. He LOVES it. I'm so proud of him for taking risks and working through his fears as he tries new things.
Pet Peeve
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
He is ALWAYS talking (just like his dad) and I'm amazed at all the things he remembers; things we've told him, places we've been, things we've done. He recites them and I think to myself, "I can't believe you remember that. "
On a different note, my co-workers husband is in the hospital. He had a hip replacement yesterday, so a handful of us at work, made a jingle for him, in rap style and called him in the hospital and sang it to him. The words were pretty funny, but I think the part I like the best, is that we laughed so hard (I mean hard belly, tears in your eyes, laugh) trying to rehearse it so it would be perfect for him. I keep thinking about it and it makes me smile everytime. I hope it makes him smile too.
So, here's to silly questions, silly jingles, and just being plain ol' silly.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pumpkin Carving Party
4th Annual Pumpkin Patch Outing
Cole went through the kid maze, we were goofy, petted the animals (even though we weren't suppose to), took some photos, and hopped in the car, freezing! Then it was off to Woody's for some pizza. What a great day!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
From Ordinary to Extraordinary
I created this blog in April after an incredible trip to Solvang, CA for my friend Charlotte's triathlon camp. When I returned, I was in some kind of funk for two weeks where all I thought about was being in Solvang. So in order to stay motivated in those moments of complete unproductiveness at work, I created this blog.
It's only now that I realize what I'm suppose to be blogging about --- my son, my husband, my life. My extraordinary life. And so it begins...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Less Strokes
WU: 200 pull, 200 swim
Drill set: 3 x 200 (stroke count, catch up, side kicks, closed fist)
Main set: 1000
CD: 150
Mantra words: relax, glide, pull, long, efficiency
Yesterday swam:
WU: 100 swim, 100 pull, 100 kick, 100 swim (did some 25 drills)
Main set: 4x200; 4x100 counting strokes first and last 25 of each. came in at 3:40 on the 200's and 1:45 on the 100's with 22 strokes
Cool down: 200
Monday, March 31, 2008
Heading to the gym today to do a spin class.
Talked to Peter about my swim times. He recommends I swim 4x200 and write down my stroke count for the first 25 and the last 25 of each 200 as well as the time I come in on. Repeat with 4x100. I will probably video my stroke and post here so he can give me some pointers.
Looking forward to the weather getting nicer so I can bring my bike to work and ride at lunch.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, Michelle and I rode for 2 hours. Started out in 38 degree weather, but ended with 50. We started with drills with some girls from Tri Babes, then Michelle and I split. We rode NCAR, then 93 to Marshall to Cherryvale to Baseline. It was a great ride.
Took Chris to the airport this morning for his week at the Advanced Triathlon Camp in Solvang. He is going to have a great week.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday - lame, lame, and lame. I was so lame yesterday. I had no motivation at all. I ended up going home at noon, took a hot bath and watched 5 hours of TV in bed. No training.
Today - I'll swim. The plan is:
300 WU
100 KICK
100 PULL
MAIN SET- [@ my 100 PACE ZONE 3 ] 8 X 100
8 X 50 BUILD
4 x 25 FAST
200 CD
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
About adventures...our ride started off at 6:15, great weather, great pace (kept the HR low low low). We did a tour of Broomfield, ventured out on a road we've never taken just to see what was on the other end. It turned out to be a dead end so we ended up doing some cyclocross to get to the next road. A few tumbleweeds later, we made it and were back on track. It was a short ride 13 miles/1 hour, but it was truly enjoyable.
Here's to more adventures (big and small) Michelle!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The beginning
My base fitness still has about six weeks to get where I need to be to start working on speed, etc.
Goals for this year are to compete in the same six sprint races I did last year, only I don't want to be 2nd, I want to be 1st. This means I must cut atleast 5 minutes from my bike time in a 12-15 mile ride.
Let the games begin.